
What annoys me

Oh come on, life is too short to list them all. Let's start with a few that come to mind and then I will add some more later.

Corruption in public life - Grasping, greedy, sleazy politicians who have the morals of a low life. The sleaze started under the last Conservative government but this New Labour lot have taken it to a whole new level. £2,000 in a brown envelope has been replaced by millions in dodgy loans in return for honours, political preferment or business deals from the public.

The European Union - This anti-democratic institution has been one of my hate figures for a while. The increasing moves to centralisation of power and reduction of accountability annoy and the recent move to censor free speech are the last straw. More on this to follow...

The BBC - I love their period dramas and wildlife programs, some of their comedy output and some speech radio BUT I have had it up to here with the politically correct crap that comes out of the news, current affairs, most phone-in programs on Radio 4, 5 Live and Radio London. In future posts I will have a lot to say about the BBC and its inherent bias.

Speed Cameras - I think some posts on this will follow as well. Using safety as an excuse to raise punitive taxes is just another thing that pisses me off.

Parking restrictions - See above...

Now a warning, I have avoided too much searing in this post but I feel the bile rising and with the bile will come some obscenities, sorry but that's the way it goes.

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